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DivvyDiary opens blog

We are launching our DivvyDiary blog today to keep you up to date with new developments around DivvyDiary.

Since its launch in April 2020, DivvyDiary has grown from a small hobby project of two dividend investor friends to an established dividend calendar with over 6,500 stocks & ETFs and over 3,000 enthusiastic users.

Regularly, users of DivvyDiary come to us with great suggestions for new features, which we would like to implement more in the future. We would like to present these new features to you regularly here in the blog.

Also we will give you a look behind the scenes of DivvyDiary here in the blog from time to time. What motivates us to build DivvyDiary? What are our plans for the future of DivvyDiary?

Currently we are working on strategic partnerships with two outstanding tools in the stock cosmos, which perfectly extend the functionality of DivvyDiary. In the coming weeks you will find more details here in the blog.

So check back regularly.

Max & Johannes