showing 1 to 20 of 67,845 securities
The most popular dividend stocks and ETFs
In our securities screener you will discover the most popular securities that pay dividends and you can filter and sort them according to the most important dividend ratios.
- Which companies pay monthly dividends?
- The most popular monthly payers are Realty Income, Main Street Capital and AGNC Investment. In our screener, you'll find over 1,600 monthly distributing securities (stocks, ETFs and funds). You can filter and sort them by key metrics, such as dividend yield and dividend growth.
- Which companies pay a dividend?
- In our screener you will find over 16,500 dividend paying securities (stocks, ETFs and funds) that regularly pay dividends. With our filters by security type, sector, country, dividend frequency, dividend month, dividend currency, dividend yield and dividend growth you will find exactly the right security for your dividend strategy.
- What are the most popular dividend stocks?
- The most popular dividend stocks are Microsoft, Coca-Cola, Allianz, Apple and Unilever. In our screener you will find over 10,000 dividend stocks sorted by popularity.
- What are the most popular dividend ETFs?
- The most popular dividend ETFs are the Vanguard FTSE All-World High Dividend Yield, the iShares STOXX Global Select Dividend 100 and the SPDR S&P US Dividend Aristocrats. In our screener, you'll find over 4,000 dividend ETFs sorted by popularity.
- When do companies pay their dividends?
- Companies pay their dividends monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually on payday to all shareholders who owned the security before the ex-day. On DivvyDiary you can find all dividend stocks, ETFs and funds and keep track of all ex-dividend days and paydays in your personal dividend calendar.