Compare your portfolio in the Community Benchmark and discover similar securities.
In your portfolio you will find a new subpage called Inspiration. There you have the possibility to compare your dividend yield and dividend growth with similar portfolios within your cohort or with all portfolios of the DivvyDiary community.
If you wish, you can get an overview of the statistical distribution of the comparison group in form of a boxplot by clicking on the respective key figure.
In addition, you can discover new securities based on the investments of similar portfolios within your cohort. Of course, this is not an investment recommendation, but a non-judgmental source of inspiration from which you can, if you wish, independently derive new investment ideas.
Cohorts are formed by statistically evaluating the similarity of several portfolios based on Jaccard coefficients.
If you are not yet an Aristocrat, you can also test out the community benchmark in our Live Demo Portfolio.
Further good dividend yields wish you
Max & Johannes