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New portfolio filters

Position and any combination of securities.

Two new portfolio filters are now available:

  • position (active, sold) and
  • any combination of securities

New portfolio filter: position and any combination of securities

With the new position filter, all evaluations are available either for your active securities or your sold securities.

With the any combination of securities you can select one or more of your securities and analyze them individually. All analyses and charts are now also available for your individual securities and any subgroups of your portfolio.

The following charts are particularly interesting for evaluating individual securities

  • Dividend Cash Flow,
  • Holding Value and buy-in over time,
  • Holding Performance over time and
  • Dividend growth & forecast.

For example, you can now also compare the performance of one of your securities holdings with your total portfolio.

Example: Comparison of the performance of a securities holding with the total portfolio.

We hope you like the new in-depth analysis options.

Wishing you further good dividend yields

Max & Johannes